Monday, February 11, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 9

"The Suicide King"

Rick and Maggie return to Woodbury to help rescue Daryl. Merle also is rescued to the dismay of group. On the way back to the prison, tension mounts when Glen and Michonne discover Merle returning with them and they refuse to take Merle back to the prison. Daryl sides with Merle and as a result breaks away from Rick's group even after Rick pleads with him to stay. Back at Woodbury, chaos erupts when all the residents become hostile and frightened and attempt to leave through the front compound. Martinez and other security enforcers block residents from leaving. As a result of the tension and mass confusion, one resident was bit by walkers who snuck in during the riot. Andrea diffuses the situation and kills both stray walkers leaving the bitten Woodbury member pleading for help. A stoic Governor appears from his quarters, shoots the bitten member and returns back without even saying a word. Rick, Michonne, Glenn and Maggie finally return to the prison greeted by Carol and Carl. Herschel then speaks with Rick regarding accepting Tyrese's group in to the prison. Tyreese, pleads his case to stay and just as Rick may have had a change of thought, a camera pans upward and Rick sees in the corner of his eye a white-dressed figure on the prison's second-level balcony, which appears to be a Lori (Spirit/apparition) dressed in a white wedding dress/gown. The apparitions face can barely be seen but is fixated on Rick. Being only visible to Rick, he then hallucinates and has an adrenaline rush of anger and psychotic outbursts frightening the two groups. Tyreese's group become frightened and begin to scatter as if they are being forced to leave.


Source: Wikipedia

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