Monday, November 26, 2012

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 6


Rick talks to unknown survivors on the phone, but the voices are those of the dead, including Lori. He accepts her death and rejoins the group. Against all odds Daryl finds Carol, alive. At Woodbury, Andrea volunteers for sentry duty but jumps down from the wall to kill a walker; she confesses that she enjoyed the fights, and she and the Governor begin an affair. Merle has been sent to hunt down Michonne; she ambushes the team and kills two, but is wounded. Merle wants to turn back, but the remaining team member wants to go on, so Merle kills him. Michonne flees to a nearby town where she sees Glenn and Maggie arrive for supplies, then Merle arrives and captures Glenn and Maggie and takes them to Woodbury, planning to interrogate them for the location of their group. Michonne makes her way to the prison and meets Rick.


Source: Wikipedia

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